Help & Support - MAST
At Totley All Saints, we are committed to ensuring that out children & their parents & carers are happy & well. If you ever need a chat to discuss any issues of concern, then we’re always here to listen & help!
As part of our commitment, we also work closely with different agencies to provide help & support for our families, including: West MAST, our Multi Agency Support Team.
West MAST has links with the school to help our parents / carers & families with any areas of difficulty that we can all need help & support with, at some time or another.
MAST can help with the following areas:
- Having a new baby
- Behaviour & Parenting Skills
- Problems at School
- Attendance
- Emotional well-being
- Stress management
- Arguments at home
- Family relationships
- Family breakdown
- Finances
- Housing
- Employment & Training.
As part of providing this support, MAST also holds a ‘drop-in’ service that is regularly available at our school as part of their ‘early help’ initiative. This is a fantastic opportunity to take advantage of their expertise, advice and signposting to available help for many different concerns.
Our MAST link workers are: Hannah Appleyard and Bethany Cam.
A MAST worker will meet with you in a quiet and confidential space at school with a member of school staff to support you in discussing any issues you may have. We will then work together to help you address your needs. Please let Mrs Brown (SENDCo & Deputy Headteacher) know if you would like to take advantage of this service so an appointment can be arranged.
Family Common Assessment (FCAF):
If you are experiencing difficulties & need some help, then you may be offered a Family Common Assessment (also known as an FCAF). This is just a form that is used as a means of finding out about your family’s strengths, any problems you are having and what extra support that can be offered. To find out more information, please click on the following links:
FCAF – Information for Families Leaflet
FCAF – Family Common Assessment Framework Assessment Form
Positive Parenting Information & Help:
Positive Parenting Courses Flyer
Positive Parenting Promoting Development
Positive Parenting – Teenagers & Communication
Positive Parenting – Teenagers – Rules & Boundaries
To get in touch with West MAST yourself, then you can contact:
Old Sharrow Junior School
South View Road
S7 1DB
Tel: 0114 250 6865