Sports & Pupil Premium

PE and Sport Premium

The Government invest £320m per year directly into primary schools with the objective of achieving self-sustaining improvement in the quality of PE and sport. There is a long term vision that all pupils leave primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport.

Key performance indicators for schools are:

  • Increasing all staff’s confidence, knowledge and skills in teaching PE and sport
  • Increasing engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity and sport
  • Raising the profile of PE and sport across the school, to support whole school improvement
  • Offer a broader and more equal experience of a range of sports and physical activities to all pupils
  • Increase participation in competitive sport

Please click to find out how the PE / Sports Premium Money is spent in our school:

PE Sports Premium 2023-2024

How will Schools be Checked to see if they are Using the Money Properly?

Schools will be held to account for how they spend the Sport and PE Premium Funding. Ofsted inspectors will be given guidance to see if the school is using the money appropriately.

Schools will be required to include details about their sporting provision on their websites as well as their curriculum details.

You may also wish to find out more information about Change4Life.

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium funding was initially launched in 2011-12 by the then coalition government & is money is given to schools based on the numbers of pupils who are eligible for Free School Meals (FSM).

At Totley All Saints, we are completely committed to the ideal of ‘every child matters’ and are driven by our values that focus on enhancing pupil achievement & wellbeing irrespective of their personal circumstances. In short, we want ALL of our children to do well and to thrive in their learning!

We seek to meet the needs of all of our pupils from through careful analysis of progress data on a termly basis and design intervention strategies where necessary to meet each pupil’s needs. Whilst our school has traditionally received a low amount, Pupil Premium funding gives a method of further supporting some of our more disadvantaged pupils in order that we can ‘close the gap’ & ensure that they get the very best advantage from their time with us.

This year, our Pupil Premium allocation for 2023-2024 is £33,295

To see how this money is being spent to support our Pupil Premium Pupils, please click to open our Impact of the Pupil Premium at Totley All Saints CE Primary School:

Pupil Premium Strategy 2022-25

  • The outcomes of FSM pupils vary at different times depending on the children & their individual needs. Sometimes, our FSM children appear in multiple pupil groups such as SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disabilities) which then affects their academic out-comes.
  • Where FSM pupils do not have Special Educational Needs & Disabilities, they normally attain within the expected range or above in comparison to the national average.
  • Most of our FSM pupils make good to outstanding progress
  • FSM pupils also show increased confidence as a result of targeted interventions, greater levels of support or access to extra-curricular activities.